~a little insight to the world of my mind!~


What We Do And What We Feel.

Sometimes I wonder about the things we do. The words we say, the way we act. How do we choose that today we’re going to wear a purple beanie and purple scarf? Why do we choose we want an Oreo Chocolate-Lovers frappe instead of salmon sushi? It is definite you can see why I chose the career that I am currently pursuing. ;) I heart psychology!
A smile, a tree, a hug under the stars. All these words and phrases hold pictures in my head, as for many different experiences during the day. And I try my best to portray them, be it in a drawing, in a poem, in a short short story…
As an amateur cartoonist and artist, I understand that music, art, sculptures; aren’t just what they seem to be. There is much more than what meets the eye. What meaning does it hold for you? What meaning does it hold for me? Can you expect me to understand what it means to you? Can I expect you to guess my interpretation?
Each and every one of us can have a different opinion regarding a drawing, or poem… But if I have found something gratifying in life is that the people that see my art (even if it sucks a bit xD or a lot) can feel and see what I truly want to express.. It is a very difficult task to achieve, but as I have been told a couple of times, I can actually make it happen.
What I draw, write, act, comes from deep within. I like to think it is part of my soul given to anyone who would share a second of their time. And if that person can identify with my art, then it means I have managed to connect with that person. Soul to soul. But that is a bit apart from my field. It is my belief.
Have good nights.
- DS Razzmatazz

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