~a little insight to the world of my mind!~




V A C A T I O N S are here ! !

The moment I waited for... For about four months is finally here! The end of my school term. And the beginning of my super-short-for-mental-health-but-überly-needed vacations. I am officially in the beginning of the third quarter of my career, having just finished term 8 out of 12 mandatory terms. The knowledge I've gained so far is basically about the normal (expecter) functioning of the human mind and an introduction towards the main theory streams of Psychology. Soon will begin the deeper look into the pathologies... You know, the interesting stuff for those that aren't in the career (statement arises from empirical knowledge)... And bla bla bla, I don't want to speak about school right now!

The title of this blog post is intentionally misspelled. Vacaciones means vacations, for the ones that perhaps didn't dare to guess. Vago(a), means literally vague, "ser vago(a)" means "being a lazy person (the change from the termination 'o' to 'a' just denotes the change in the gender of the word, which does not work in English)"... So I merged both words, making it resemble the idea that I don't want to do anything school related during this time. But, being it Psych, there's no escape route! Everywhere I look there is human interaction! It's the one of the few sciences whose experimental subject is of the same species as the investigator.

How long is it? A week. Yes. Just one week.

I.e. seven days. If you add the weekend before the start of classes, then... it's actually nine.

And then back to the rodeo. For another four months.

There's no use in whining. Any solutions? The thing is taking advantage of the little free time I have. And I have a few things in mind. I'm aching to go out to dance, in first instance. I blame my latina blood ¬¬ . I just. need. to. dance. I also am trying to make a trip to the beach one of these days. Even though I don't want to get black. Meh, who cares! One of my best friends is coming home from Boston this Wednesday, and I'm planning to spend some time with her. Also, want to go to the Book Fair that will be held this week too. And that's just to mention a few of the things I want to do (that imply me to get out of this house). As for the things I want to do while at home, well I want to get used to being a Mod, I want to draw a bit, sleep a lot.

What would you suggest me I do on my vacations?

Following the line of me wanting to dance, here are some songs I wanna dance to. The lyrics aren't a state of art, but the rhythm gets my Latin blood rushing. Haha, it's like a calling. Have you ever felt a "calling"? For a rough example, most of the people I know from a determined country (which I'm not naming) feel a calling towards protecting their nation's "liberty".

La Despedida by Daddy Yankee (Puerto Rico) [I'm only putting a lyrics video because the video is a bit sad, even though it's fast paced] Concentrate on the rhythm, if you feel like your body moves with it, you might have some Latin blood in you!! Haha, that sounded so… not-scientific.

Danza Kuduro by Don Omar and Lucenzo. If you watched the latest movie of Fast and Furious, then you might recognize Don Omar, and the song. It has Spanish and Portuguese parts. On the first video.. I just want to say not all Latinas look like that. >.<

I like more the second video. It's mostly Portuguese with a bit of English and Spanish by a dude called Big Ali (whom I know nothing about). I also like the more down to earth style of the video. Both versions are worth listening to, though.



And Taboo by Don Omar. Again, “Fast and Furious” reference. It has Spanish and Portuguese.

This music genre is not my favourite, however, they have that Latin flavour that I feel like dancing to at this moment. Haha. Perhaps you can feel a bit Latin too once you've heard them?



-DS Razzmatazz