I like being right.
In a discussion, however, not everyone is allowed to be right.
Because the feeling is quite selfish you see. And even though you probably laughed and said yes to my previous question, we do not have discussions hoping everyone gets what they want, knowing that we all want to be right, but that in the end we show we have the reason and the other one(s) should bow down. Furthermore, we invest great amounts of energy making sure only we feel that pleasure. Because it feels darn good. It is a feel good drag, though. What would happen if we began to be aware of this, and when we had discussions with someone we would remember that WW III is over and there is no need to shoot without mercy for a blood-stained victory? Perhaps, maybe, probably, hopefully, our discussions would take a different route. They would take a route in which both parties try to put on the table how the feel and what they think. Instead of simply trying to convince the other that our idea is the correct, we might be able to look for an answer, together.
Too idealistic for your taste? You wouldn’t be the first one to tell me, however, I believe strongly that the change this world needs, starts in ourselves. And while this will probably not solve the climatic change impact nor eliminate corruption from the governments, I think it would begin a revolution, in which people begin thinking a bit more of everyone else, without falling into the “guessing game”. (The guessing game consists basically on assuming another person’s feelings, ideas and opinions; it is a very successful relationship killer.)
We cannot force anyone to change, though. The question that arises now, would be: what if I try this out, and the other person just wants to prove me wrong? It is a good question, of course trying to put this plan into action requires both parties to be on the same page. Regretfully, perfect conditions are one element this universe lacks of. I do think that little by little we will have an effect on those around us, they will see us differently, and hear us differently, and slowly, they will understand and realize it is better to deal with us differently, and just like that, slowly, it will rub off on them. And then on others. And others. And yet others!
Let us dream of days in which we no longer fight to be right. It is possible as long as we believe in it, and we work on it.
Thank you for reading again my thoughts,
-DS Razzmatazz.
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