Look beyond the imperfections and beyond the people, don´t look the flaws on the others, have an open mind, that will help you understand others as well as yourself.
Express your feelings to someone else, talk with a person you haven´t talk to in a while, or maybe a friend of yours.
Do something for someone else, maybe your friend, a cousin, your parents, siblings or just an unknown person. Don´t do it for obligation, wait until you feel like doing it.
Expand your limits, your mind… Think about how somebody else sees a situation, would they respond the same way as you? Remember that maybe your answer isn’t right for them, or their answers aren’t rights for you.
Forgive someone that hurt you in an occasion. Truly forgive, erase the event, treat the person as if the offense never happened. Start with small things, because this is hard, it will mean that you have left behind a part of your life, that you´re more mature now, and that you´ll learn how to forgive and forget.
Don´t be negative, don´t criticize, don’t blame or demand perfection when you´re not perfect.
Pass the imperfections, look what you like and love in every little detail.
Look at something that inspires you: an actor, a writer, a painting, an important person of the past, something that takes your breath away, something you see and think “Wow”, at that moment stop and think what makes this thing or person so important to you.
Be honest, not critical.
Listen to others; they may have important things to tell.
Never stop asking questions, but also keep accepting answers.
Be fair. It´s fair to be seen as an equal. Why discrimination?
Show some kindness, why not? Treat someone else as you want them to treat you, or better.
Take time to like someone you love and viceversa, remember that “like and love” aren´t the same words, their meanings are completely different.
Take a little time to go outside and discover the music of nature, that will bring you harmony.
Be open to a new possibility or many of them. Don´t close your eyes and your mind to everything that you believe isn’t true or real.
Take your parents place for a second, they don’t know everything about you, and that’s fine, everybody has secrets but don’t blame them for worrying about you, remember: they aren’t perfects; they are humans trying to be perfect for you.
Respect the other people ideas, not all people think like you.
The most important: live with the unknown, don’t be afraid today of being in a situation completely unusual, it´s more fun when you can´t predict what comes next. Expect the unexpected.
Make some time for you, it´s important to connect with yourself, have time alone and enjoy it.
The last one, make a celebration over nothing, nothing, zero, nada; the nothing has an infinite of possibilities ahead.
Today may be your day, do what you want, put the past behind you, trust in a better future and feel free to do anything, but most important: ENJOY IT!!
S.A. :)
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