~a little insight to the world of my mind!~


Effing years with liquids.

One effing year biatches! ;) I have one effing year with my braces. Wow, time goes by fast.

Sometimes we get stuck with people we don’t know how to speak with/to. What do you do? I have a friend that ignores a person if he doesn’t like his/her personality at first. I try to understand the person’s catch and attempt to mold a bit, like a liquid poured in differently shaped containers. But just a bit. Maybe like jelly? Hmm…

What happens when the bridge is too long to cross and you have to interact? I try to get along with the person staying the way I am, and summoning the strength to remain silent when the moment call for so.

MFDLR and DM, thanks for tonight. <3

Someone very special to me is having a good family time. I hope he has fun with EB.


- DS Razzmatazz


Support & Good Luck.

A good day. A tiring day. A merry day. A slow day.

It is Tuesday. Tuesdays are mean to me, because on these days I have to wake up at 5am. Super cool. Yeah. ._.

I barely slept today because I spent most, if not all, of my night working on a show-and-tell project about what gives you support. Emotional support. The class was truly special and wonderful, I enjoyed it all, and you could see it on my face. I tend to be pretty expressive facially and physically. It was so nice, that I decided I would paste my project on the ceiling, were I keep two posters of mine. One of Minato-san (for anime lovers, Naruto’s dad) and one of Sakura Kinomoto and her friends (from Card Captor Sakura).

Tell me, what gives you support? Whenever you feel down, what things, or which persons, or pets, you know help you bring you back on your feet?

After the class ended it was fun fun fun!! Thanks SA, MF, AO, DM, KC, JIV, AR! We had a late class that day, in which we had to pay the hours we missed on a previous free day. So, you can have a picture of me: ._______________.

Anyways, after that class with ME and another school friend, PG, was super cool too. <3


- DS Razzmatazz


Bday Girls & Fridays.

Happy Birthday  SH! :)
Today was truly fun. Although tiring. “Why?” you ask? Well, try going to bed at midnight, getting up 5 hours later and then paying attention 3 hours straight to a passive exposition of the nervous system and the neuron.
And for dessert, after an hour of break, another hour of class. Woot. Yay me. And our whole class.
What’s good of this? Well, the word “Friday” could mean something for you. For me, it means finally being able to sleep. So bed here I go to your loving arms of feathers! Theo <3! Adri <3!
Good night!
-DS Razzmatazz


What We Do And What We Feel.

Sometimes I wonder about the things we do. The words we say, the way we act. How do we choose that today we’re going to wear a purple beanie and purple scarf? Why do we choose we want an Oreo Chocolate-Lovers frappe instead of salmon sushi? It is definite you can see why I chose the career that I am currently pursuing. ;) I heart psychology!
A smile, a tree, a hug under the stars. All these words and phrases hold pictures in my head, as for many different experiences during the day. And I try my best to portray them, be it in a drawing, in a poem, in a short short story…
As an amateur cartoonist and artist, I understand that music, art, sculptures; aren’t just what they seem to be. There is much more than what meets the eye. What meaning does it hold for you? What meaning does it hold for me? Can you expect me to understand what it means to you? Can I expect you to guess my interpretation?
Each and every one of us can have a different opinion regarding a drawing, or poem… But if I have found something gratifying in life is that the people that see my art (even if it sucks a bit xD or a lot) can feel and see what I truly want to express.. It is a very difficult task to achieve, but as I have been told a couple of times, I can actually make it happen.
What I draw, write, act, comes from deep within. I like to think it is part of my soul given to anyone who would share a second of their time. And if that person can identify with my art, then it means I have managed to connect with that person. Soul to soul. But that is a bit apart from my field. It is my belief.
Have good nights.
- DS Razzmatazz


Un Cuento de Atardecer

Aquí les dejo un cuento corto que escribí de la nada. Espero que les guste. (:

Con una sonrisa alada en la solapa y un adiós en la espalda, desmonta de su corcel en lo que parece ser la última estación de trenes de la región Craluz. El viento acaricia su melena y refresca los poros de su piel acaramelada. Dirige sus pasos a la taquilla de la estación y pregunta por la muchacha de piel oliva y ojos café. Adriana. Ya se había ido.

Se sienta a pensar en las bancas marchitas recostadas a las paredes de madera de la estación. Algunos letreros cuelgan del techo por medio de cadenas oxidándose lentamente e informan de las rutas y los andenes. No hay mucha variedad de lugares a donde ir de cualquier modo.

Un pequeño silbido lo alerta y gira su cabeza hacia la derecha, donde se termina la plataforma y los rieles se pierden en la infinidad de las montañas Aldanas.

“Si tan solo estuvieras aquí”, murmuró para sí mismo.

En la manera en que sus pensamientos se pierden en el recuerdo de las tardes de verano con la muchacha de piel oliva y ojos café, sus propios ojos se pierden en las profundidades de las montañas a lo lejos.

“Y tan solo queda un suspiro”.

- DS Razzmatazz.


Pride + Love = No Good.

Why is love so difficult? Why is pride so blind? And why can’t we notice when we truly don’t know a thing?

Nyuu-cryingToday I talked with a stubborn woman (aren’t we all girls like that? even in the slightest degree?). She is enduring the sabotages of a man to whom she once was related, not by blood. The man had offended her greatly and it was obvious she had been deeply wounded, despite her words of pride.

And so my words began to pour, I spoke long and plenty, however, what I mostly remember is this line, the one that came out with the most emotional involvement: “girl, if he didn’t matter, his words would have meant nothing to you. It is time to make his words truly worthless to hear”.

Let a prayer rise to the skies for this troubled woman. And all of those that cannot get rid of a painful love.

:(  </3

Vacations and Good Music.

Strange day. Had to get up early. Seriously, who gets up early on vacations? Aren’t vacations all about slacking off? Well, apparently not for me. I have to get up early, go to bed early. Nice nice.

Anyways, today was the first official performance of the band Dosis. —Well, more like last night. But who has that in mind? It’s midnight!— My best friend GW plays the keyboard in this band. Of course he is awesome. Hee hee.

I wasn’t quite sure I’d be able to attend the gig until more or less late that night. The family had decided to have a night out. And despite the jokes, it was possible. And it was worth it. Oh heck yeah.

Each and every second was enjoyable, despite feeling a bit nervous for not knowing exactly how I would go home afterwards. Had the chance to see old friends, listen to fav old songs and more importantly, watch my best friend perform for the first time and talk with him during the little breaks.

Their music had the magic to connect directly to oneself and a second later it could get your bones moving under the table to the rhythm. Or so was my perception.

Hopefully another one will be organized soon.



A Perfect Thursday. :)

It is strange how someone feels and acts, given different situations, and different circumstances. Maybe not quite strange, but funny. Is it wrong? The truth is we are many things, we fulfil many roles, we are students, friends, sisters, brothers, husbands, grandparents, lovers. Sometimes you cannot notice the difference, but it is always there.

Today, I spent the day with a school friend, more like a high school best friend, LW. We had lunch, walked the mall, talked about past golden days, futuristic turns in life shopped a bit, and finally watched Iron Man 2 together.

After doing all of this, it was already night-time. I returned home to my family. And as soon as I could I left again. I was picked up by a college colleague/friend, and went to her place, MdlR. It felt totally different. Thanks SA, DM and MdlR for that.

As we sat on the floor laughing and playing Pictionary (or attempting to xD) I felt a bliss deep inside, and I realized at that moment that it had been a perfect day.

;) Have a nice day! Or night?

Primeras palabras :)

El día de hoy, aproximadamente a las 10:30 p.m. una personita a quien quiero mucho me preguntó que si quería ser parte de su blog porque había descubierto que se podían invitar a personas y, dado que estudiamos lo mismo y tenemos algunos, por no decir muchos intereses en común me hizo esta propuesta.. debo decir que me encantó la idea y en seguida empecé a buscar algunas palabras que tenía escritas.

Muchas gracias Diana por esta oportunidad de expresión ;)

No sé muy bien de que voy a escribir la mayor parte de las veces, puede que sean ideas, cosas que viví en algún momento o escritos a lo loco.. Realmente espero que los disfruten :)

Este primer note es un poco extraño, en lo personal siento que es un poco nonsense pero cierto..

"Pinceladas de nuestra vida"
Es impresionante como podemos conocer y al mismo tiempo no conocer a una persona, por más que sea alguien que vemos todos los días, alguien a quien llamamos nuestro amigo, alguien con quien vivimos, con quien compartimos casi todo lo que pensamos y sentimos jamás llega a ser un completo conocido y probablemente nosotros tampoco para ellos.
¿Pero será que ellos no se quieren dar a conocer? O que nosotros, en una forma ciega de ver las cosas no queremos aceptar la realidad? Creo que pueden ser ambas…
Es definitivo que “tapar el sol con un dedo” no se puede, en lo absoluto, solo dificulta todo, nos hace nublarnos y ver las cosas como queremos verlas, no como realmente son.
¿Qué pasa con aquellas personas que decimos idolatrar? ¿Realmente las idolatramos? ¿Las creemos héroes y heroínas de qué exactamente? Ellos también tienen cosas malas, TODOS tenemos cosas malas, pero quizás, viniendo de éstas personas las pasamos por alto, porque alguien TAN grandioso no puede tener fallas. Pero, y ¿acaso todo el mundo es perfecto? No que yo sepa.
Debemos de dejar de ver las cosas como una pintura completa y verlas por partes, cada pincelada, cada mínimo error es lo que hace las cosas más perfectas; de la imperfección se aprende y con eso crecemos como seres humanos, por esto no somos perfectos, cada persona es única y no podemos cambiarla a nuestra conveniencia. Aceptar las diferencias es parte de aceptar el mundo donde vivimos.

S.A. :)


¿Primavera o Verano?

¿Limpieza de primavera? Aunque no estoy segura de que sea primavera aquí. Me encuentro sentada al borde de mi cama, con libros por el piso, osos en mi cama, y páginas en las orejas. No soy una chica muy “classy”: no tengo muchos pares de aretes, y mucho menos pares de zapatos, o “walking closets” de ropa,  pero si hay algo que tengo para regalar, digo, uhm, de sobra, son libros y papeles.

Saito Washing aka Cleaning

Así que he decidido limpiar un poco mi cuarto de tantas páginas del cuatrimestre pasado de la universidad. Aprovecho que estoy en vacaciones (dizque vacaciones) para poder arreglar un poco los materiales del siguiente cuatrimestre.

Pero… Tengo el ligero y pequeñisimo presentimiento de que esta será una noche larga y que reviviré muchos recuerdos. Supongo que nos pasa todos. ¿Qué opinan? A mi me pasa que empiezo la limpieza con una misión, pero termino por las remas más lejanas del árbol en lugar del tronco.

Bueno, ¡aquí vamos! Game ON!


Birthdays and Stories to be Told.

Today I turn nineteen. I feel old, but I don’t feel my life has changed that much. I got a few presents and the one person I hoped for never came…

But on the bright side, a friend of mine who was kinda away came for a visit and called me just at midnight, heehee, that made my day.

I am trying to write a short story inspired on a friend. More like on the story of a friend. More like on the story of a friend, but in honour to her. Wish me luck, if I am done I’ll post it here.

What do you think? Tell me about that special person that never did leave your heart and memory.


PS: The person that never came, came the day after. No matter how much it takes, as long as she is by my side. <3 Ilu YY.


Señora Felicidad.

Hola a todos. Aquí les dejo un poema que escribí de repente.. Espero que lo disfruten tanto como yo al escribirlo.

En un país de velas doradas,
Escribo tu nombre una y otra vez
Señora Felicidad. Señora Felicidad.
Valentía ven a mí, aparece
No me dejes aquí sentada
Señora Felicidad. Señora Felicidad.
Mientras escribo te muestras
Así, danzante y cantante para mi
Señora Felicidad. Señora Felicidad.
Dame palabras yo escribo el cuento
Dame besos y yo los llevo al cielo
Señora Felicidad. Señora Felicidad.
En un país de velas doradas
Al compás de una canción
Señora Felicidad. Señora Felicidad.


Uncertain Clues.

It certainly can drive someone nuts. When the injustice and expression of the powerful hit the lesser ones.
Have you felt it? That feeling of not being able to do anything unless you are willing to go to war. I, for one, do not like war.
I sit and write with this sick and dark feeling that comes when injustice knocks on my door. A feeling I’m starting to feel more and more often.